Organize and find your stuff

   Main Manual Compile Development About

0. Dependencies

If you want to compile this application, you need to have some libraries the program depends on available:

  1. Qt (http://www.qt.io/): this is the more evident and important dependency. A cross platform, multipurpose and UI set of libraries. Although version 4.x could suffice, the program has been tested with version 5.4.
  2. Graphviz (http://www.graphviz.org/): open software graph visualization software. Used to draw the ontology. Tested with version 2.38. For Ubuntu users, there is a software package for development with this library (libgraphviz-dev), just sudo apt-get install libgraphviz-dev to download it.

Additionally, you need a gcc version capable of compiling C++11 code.

1. Download source code

You can download the source code using git. Go to a suitable directory and type:

git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/locatorlocator/code Locator

2. Compile

Go into the Locator directory and:

cd Locator

If everything goes alright, you will get a file named Locator in the very same directory. Now you can open the test file (DATA/test.loc) to see if it works.

2.1. Qt Creator

If you use Qt Creator, just open the Locator.pro file and run the application with the green play button on the left.

3. FAQ

Please tell about your problems compiling the software to try to improve this documentation.

   Main Manual Compile Development About